Forward Thinking Education supports schools in developing deep competencies to teach students to see missing the mark and failure as the foundation for deep success and great learning.

Our philosophy

Forward Thinking Education knows that students must recognize that they own their own learning. Only the student can ensure that he/she learns what they need to learn in order to accomplish their own goals. Students must recognize that they will not always be successful on their first attempt to learn or do something. But, missing the mark is not an end in itself. Instead, students, similar to all high achievers, must recognize their missteps as platforms from which they can learn and achieve extraordinary success.

In order to bring its philosophy to life, the FTE rubric expects students to ask the following seven questions throughout the learning process.


1. What do I want to know or be able to do?


2. What do I need to know or be able to do to be able to do what I want to do?


3. How do I go about learning it?


4. What mistake did I make?


5. Why did I make a mistake?


6. How do I overcome this mistake so that I can learn what I need to know?


7. How can I use the knowledge and skill I have learned for the next thing that I do?

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